Whats the best strategy for keeping kids safe online?
My plan right now:
1. Start with a dumb phone (only call/text) once a phone is "needed".
2. Switch to a smartphone with Truple once I feel my child is mature enough to safely manage a device with parental oversight via Truple
3. They leave the house and are on their own, but hopefully the time in the house with Truple allowed me to coach them to reaponsible internet use.
If you're religious you need to get them into a good church and community groups. These have helped our family so much. We were both raised Baptist and as we got older we started slacking. So I would reccomend a good church that's got an awesome kids program. Also when you get a smartphone make it an android and put the google family link on it. You can block so much for them. Truple is wonderful for accountability and you being able to see stuff that could get deleted before you put your physical eyes on it. Our 9 year old has a smart phone she got it for her birthday. However it's so locked down with family link (she has to ask for all apps and all internet access to be approved before doing it) and truple accountability, that she rarely uses it. She'll call a friend maybe once a week other than that it's been made "boring" for her and she doesn't even turn it on most days.
by PurpleLily 176d 21h 17m ago
We are a religious household, and intend to have our kids go to youth activities/groups. We can 2nd this--but from personal experience its not a silver bullet. I think faith provides a lot of desire to change once the individual is forced to confront their problem. But unfortunately most youth dont see significant consequences from porn until later on in life (ie, when married). This makes it really challenging when helping kids.
I love the idea of family link and making the phone boring. Honestly, getting kids to actually *talk* on the phone (instead of just texting) would be a big win too.
I love the idea of family link and making the phone boring. Honestly, getting kids to actually *talk* on the phone (instead of just texting) would be a big win too.
by strider 176d 20h 44m ago