I recently came across a post of someone complaining about youtube containing a certain type of video/live streaming that's extremely sexual. I watch a fair amount of youtube, and my experience had been pretty good so this was surprising to me (it shouldn't have been--I should have known better).

These videos are ridiculous. I'm not going to share what they are, but the only way you'd be okay with your child watching them is if you were okay with your child watching pornography What's comical is Youtube claim they don't allow sexual content, but these videos have multiple millions of views have been around for months/years. The videos are made by those trying to promote their own porn website. You'll see link overlays in the video, etc. Even after reporting them to youtube, the videos are still active.

Long story short, be very cautious with any popular website. Unfortunately, the second it becomes popular it will become a place that nefarious people try to entrap you and your loved ones on.

Love your kids enough to care. Trust your kids enough to help them grow. Eventually they'll be able to handle it on their own, but until then I sure appreciate having Truple helping me watch what's going on.

That's one of the things I absolutely love about Truple--I can tell my kids YES! Yes, you can watch youtube! But then I don't have to worry about them finding the dark corners of youtube and getting trapped into it before I have any clue what's going on.