I have struggled for many many years. Truple definitely had helped some though i was still struggling. Back in January a friend told me that having accountability with other men in an addiction recovery group was the only thing that had helped him. So i gave it a shot.

https://puredesire.org/ is the organization i used and did a Seven Pillars group which is 9 months long. I haven't looked at porn since January which is really good for me.

The program has taught me that if i do have a relapse that i need to tell my wife within 24hr. I know thats needed too since hiding it from my wife was only causing me to continue to struggle.

I would highly recommend joining a group. Its really helpful to be around people that have overcome and have been in recovery for a long time and people that are new to recovery like me.

I have tried everything and the only things that have really helped have been Truple and also the accountability group i go to.

It has been a lifelong battle but with accountability in place with my group and also with Truple i do think i can live porn free. Another good addiction recovery group that my friend told me about is https://compassmen.org/