Hey truple team! I'm thankful for this software, but as the title says I just fell in the pit. I wanted to write this as a suggestion. I am really weak right now and I just uninstalled the software on my PC. Truple sent an email to my accountability partners for this, but its just a short email that says Truple was uninstalled. This can easily be neglected by anyone, can this email be a bit more "Flashy"...like saying BIG ALERT, UNINSTALL DETECTED! CONTACT PERSON NOW!" or even sending an SMS to my partners?
Its not your fault. Its mine. But I wanted to make this suggestion for the better.
We could change the wording, but my guess is the accountability partner misses the email entirely. We don't support SMS (at least not officially). There is a work around for many providers though. Most providers link an email message to MMS messaging. For example, if you use tmobile in the us and your number was 555 555 5555, emails sent to 5555555555@tmomail.net are sent to your phone as a media message (shows up just like a text message). All major providers in the US offer this. So you can ask your accountability partner what provider they're with, then add their phone email address. Sites online have big lists of all the providers--here's one: https://avtech.com/articles/138/list-of-email-to-sms-addresses/.
by truple 285d 15h 34m ago
As a (Canadian) iPhone user monitoring a google pixel device, PLEASE add “alarm”, ringing bells, or some “emoji” similar to these tamper/uninstall emails if possible so they do stand out. I get the recap daily, but I also do check it daily online a few times a day and before bed, so I never feel the need to double check the daily reports. If I saw a new text header, or emojis along with the report that was telling me about something suspicious, that I would notice.
by Koshra 158d 23h 17m ago