Hey people. I wanted to post this because I want to read it after awhile. I have been struggling with this for so many years and as time passed I just stopped resisting it, just repenting and moving forward. To be clear I never stopped wanting to defeat it or trying different methods. I haven't resisted in like 1 or 2 years. When the time comes I just do it with zero resistence.

So last night I couldn't sleep at all and when that happened the thoughts of pornography came. After one or two minutes I said to myself "This is filth and I'm hurting God, I need to resist!". And I prayed a short prayer asking God to help me resist. After awhile I was thinking of an app that I needed to research If I couldn't sleep, but at the same time I was thinking "If I Go to the computer I will certainly watch the filth, so I must not go" although my computer is also monitored by truple, but I wasn't thinking about that. So I did not go, I stayed at bed and tried getting some sleep, but I still couldn't fall a sleep. Time passes and the urge stopped so I got out of bed to visit the WC and got on my computer where I did exactly what I wanted - research the app. I resisted sucessfully with God! And so much time has passed of just doing it and not resisting, this is a huge win for me!

PS Although I understand that it was a mistake researching the app that late even if the urge has stopped.