Hey people. I wanted to post this because I want to read it after awhile. I have been struggling with this for so many years and as time passed I just stopped resisting it, just repenting and moving forward. To be clear I never stopped wanting to defeat it or trying different methods. I haven't resisted in like 1 or 2 years. When the time comes I just do it with zero resistence.
So last night I couldn't sleep at all and when that happened the thoughts of pornography came. After one or two minutes I said to myself "This is filth and I'm hurting God, I need to resist!". And I prayed a short prayer asking God to help me resist. After awhile I was thinking of an app that I needed to research If I couldn't sleep, but at the same time I was thinking "If I Go to the computer I will certainly watch the filth, so I must not go" although my computer is also monitored by truple, but I wasn't thinking about that. So I did not go, I stayed at bed and tried getting some sleep, but I still couldn't fall a sleep. Time passes and the urge stopped so I got out of bed to visit the WC and got on my computer where I did exactly what I wanted - research the app. I resisted sucessfully with God! And so much time has passed of just doing it and not resisting, this is a huge win for me!
PS Although I understand that it was a mistake researching the app that late even if the urge has stopped.
I had to record this somewhere. Last night I resisted!
#1 by etto at 2/13/2024, 6:40:37 AM
striverpornographyI hope you're still working hard and resisting! I'm glad to see people accomplishing success!
by PurpleLily 226d 20m ago
Thank you! Rarely thankfully, I think it was the coffee I drank too late in the day, but idk. Usually my biggest mistakes happen late at night when I'm awake for some reason(work or just chilling)
by etto 365d 15h 42m ago
Good work :)! How often do you have nights where you struggle to fall asleep?
by strider 365d 15h 47m ago