Pro tip from a partner of a porn addict: STOP LYING. I have learned to trust my gut, and I have learned through experience that it has never been wrong. Long story short, I had a feeling, he lied through his teeth. Gaslit me. I have a boundary, 24hrs after a relapse to tell me or I am out. I know that moments of weakness happen, I myself am a recovered porn and xanax addict. I know the struggles. What I cannot stand is a liar. How are we supposed to trust people who lie? I know the guilt, shame, and fear of hurting your loved on takes over, but what is more honorable is admitting fault, taking accountability and owning up. Not leaving your partner to struggle with their reality or questioning everything. It’s painful and tiresome. In the end, I threatened one final time, after he said “This sucks cuz I’m telling the truth and you won’t believe me.” Lying TO MY FACE. I gave him one final chance, he came clean, I almost ended the relationship, but I’m glad I didn’t. It’s been a good month but I just want to stress that please please please stop the lying. Like I genuinely wasn’t upset about him being weak but about him flat out lying to my face. So, just a small rant about honesty. Good luck to you all, I’m so very proud of each and every one of you. Dont give up!