Last time I posted, I was in the midst of reaching a 53 day streak in avoiding pornography. Sadly, I did relapse around mid-February (took me a couple of days to get "back in the saddle"). But since then, I am now on Day 78. While it was a lot easier a journey this time around overall, it was not without its difficulties. Lately there's been some "soft porn" popups on the internet that have been causing me some trouble by tempting me, but thankfully I haven't fully given in to returning to pornography. Nonetheless, I must seek to keep ALL forms/degrees of pornography out of my life. I ought not treat "soft porn" as any less dangerous than any other type. All forms of porn are damaging and are a slippery slope into even more depravity. I must not entertain temptations in the slightest.

I thank God for my continued progress. I pray that He will continue to sanctify me and grant me a hatred for all forms/degrees of porn. Let it be purged from my life completely!