
Prepare for a very long post/rant/vent… sorry.

This is the second time my partner and I have agreed to use this service to keep him accountable and off porn.

The first time we used the service, he had just gotten a new phone (google pixel), but had a very smashed iPhone10 that he was using before (which he used for porn and ultimately lead us to this service after asking multiple times per year to stop).

When I locked down all consoles/devices in our household (using truple/passkeys), I was foolish and hadn’t given much thought about the old smashed iPhone of his on top of the fridge. I would eventually get to that (I tried to turn it on to change the passcode the same day after locking other devices down, it didn’t turn on so I put it back where it lay on top of the fridge). It barely worked. I thought we’d set up truple and that would be it.

Then, I somehow forgot about it after all was set up. I was in a new honeymoon phase after starting truple since I could know exactly what he was doing on his phone. Peace of mind.

Then it hit me.

The old iPhone.

It wasn’t on top of the fridge anymore. I questioned him about its whereabouts since it had only been about 2 1/2 days after installing truple and locking down other devices that it had went missing from my eyes.

He said
“I had to take it with me to work to use my Rbc and transfer money because it’s what has my logins on it”….”when it didn’t work I just threw it into a dumpster, it’s gone, don’t worry about it”

I cried. I couldn’t contain myself. The fact that even if that is the truth, he didn’t have a single thought to think I would like to see and make sure a device that he had used to burn me multiple time prior, was destroyed, with evidence to show me. Nope, just his word, AFTER being asked about it. Not even a week after catching him saving 8+hours of porn to his camera roll.

Fine okay, if that is the truth. But I got very upset with him since I will NEVER know the full truth about it. I still think it’s hidden around the house somewhere. I’ve seen my apple lightning charger move places (he has no reason to move it since he uses google pixel). But when I called that out, it has never moved again. I still think he’s went out of his way to get a secret charger for that device, but I’m unsure and can’t prove anything.

This was about two (1/2?) months ago. I always fear that he is just playing me like a fool and using that phone hidden somewhere when I am out of the house.

Can someone please give me any insight on what their situation with something like was?